Monday, 16 June 2014

Hallo, again!

There is now a video of my UCL lecture available at:

I also was in Amsterdam last week giving a talk on the book to the City Master Development programme organised by Rotterdam University. Here is a link to the talk announcement:

And for the Dutch speakers among you, here is a blog on the talk:

I will also be giving a keynote address at the Planning Research Conference in Oxford in September:

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Pausing for now...

Happy New Year! As I am on a term's research sabbatical, I am giving the blog a pause. I will be working on sustainability and non-prime commercial property, particularly in neighbourhood centres. As outputs emerge, I will return to let you know about them. In the meantime, if anyone wishes to get in touch about Planning Beyond Growth Dependence, just leave a comment and I will get back to you. Many thanks.